[RADIATOR] Server RADSEC, StatusServer, configuration parameter missing

Karl Gaissmaier karl.gaissmaier at uni-ulm.de
Wed Aug 9 15:21:06 UTC 2017

ah, see the source Luke, it's already there, it's just missing in the 


Am 09.08.2017 um 16:40 schrieb Karl Gaissmaier:
> Hi Radiator team,
> there exists the global cfg param:
> StatusServer (off, minimal, default)
> and in the Client clause there exists the Client specific StatusServer 
> param again.
> ServerRADSEC is a different 'Client' channel with StatusServer 
> requests coming in. It is desirable to set the amount of StatausServer 
> replies explicit within Server RADSEC.
> Currently I use a workaround, I set the global param to 'minimal' (now 
> used by Server RADSEC) and change it for some Clients xxx to default.
> This isn't kiss.
> Regards
>    Charly

Karl Gaissmaier
Universität Ulm
kiz, Kommunikations und Informationszentrum
89069 Ulm
Tel.: 49(0)731/50-22499
Fax : 49(0)731/50-12-22499

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