[RADIATOR] Multithreading Radiator in Windows Server 2008/2012

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Fri Oct 16 19:09:25 CDT 2015

Hello Nadav -

Each instance of Radiator would be configured as a separate Windows service, with the “frontend” listening on the standard RADIUS ports (1645/1646 and/or 1812/1813).

The “backend” Radiator instances would listen on whatever ports you want (ie. 11812/11813, and 12812/12813, and 13812/13813, whatever…).

The “frontend” instance would then use AuthBy PROXY clauses to proxy to the corresponding “backend’s”.

BTW - it is generally a good idea to have separate authentication and accounting instances as well (ie. one Windows service for authentication on 1645 and/or 1812, and another Windows service for accounting on 1646 and/or 1813).



> On 16 Oct 2015, at 17:47, Nadav Hod <nadav.hod at comm-it.co.il> wrote:
> Hi Hugh,
> I came across your post on the matter from a few years back:
> http://www.open.com.au/pipermail/radiator/2012-August/018488.html
> I was wondering if you could explain how this is performed on the same Windows Server. For example, assuming I wanted to have a front-end server as one process and three other Radiator processes for authenticating different kinds of traffic. How would this be configured so that the backend could communicate with the frontend and vica versa?
> Would I need to install a different Windows service for each of these processes? How would I ensure that each process would run under a different core? Could one process which is CPU-intensive also use up a different core if necessary so that this doesn't cause a bottleneck?


Hugh Irvine
hugh at open.com.au

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