[RADIATOR] AuthBy RADIUS and UseExtendedIds, stripped Proxy-State and strange behavior after 256 requests

Karl Gaissmaier karl.gaissmaier at uni-ulm.de
Sun Jul 14 04:44:42 CDT 2013

Hi Heikki,

Am 14.07.2013 11:35, schrieb Heikki Vatiainen:
> On 07/14/2013 12:17 PM, Karl Gaissmaier wrote:
>> it's sunday, really I can wait for answers from your
>> team after weekend ;-)
> Heh, I thought I'd save you some work since I understood you were gointo
> to work on the debug log and PacketTrace patch.

yep, you saved my (sun)day

> The Proxy-State mangling is a bit problematic, though. This attribute is
> the only identifier that currently maps responses to requests with
> RadSec. If the other proxies mangle it, it would be essential to find
> and fix them.

And with RADSEC it's important to dump unknown replies, since the 
packets are encrypted on wire and without the private-key of the
upstream proxy I can't decipher it. I need the dumps from Radiator
in the case of 'Unknown replies' even if the attr-values can't be

Best Regards and thanks in advance

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