[RADIATOR] IPv6 Warning Message

A.L.M.Buxey at lboro.ac.uk A.L.M.Buxey at lboro.ac.uk
Mon Apr 29 14:59:54 CDT 2013


>    I'm seeing the following messages in my RADIATOR log files.
>    Mon Apr 29 14:05:06 2013 223814: WARNING: Need Socket6 to handle IPV6
>    addresses in inet_ntop

you need Socket6 for IPv6 and RADIATOR (though thats obvious from that message)

>    I tried a "ppm install Socket6" and received a "ppm install failed: Can't
>    find any package that provides IO:Socket6" Error.
>    I suspect that I I've got something wrong in my config, or I need to
>    upgrade my PERL installation.

the joys of PERL on Windows. not sure if StrawberryPERL isnt the way to go... however,
the PERL module you want is Socket6 - it lurks on UMEMOTO/Socket6-0.23.tar.gz 
according to CPAN - I just 'yum install perl-socket6' - but thats the joy of
RADIATOR on a Linux box where PERL is more friendly :-)

but the win6.jp guys arent too bad - http://win6.jp/ActivePerl/index.html


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