[RADIATOR] Radiator clustering on linux

Christian Kratzer ck-lists at cksoft.de
Wed Jun 22 06:46:51 CDT 2011


On Wed, 22 Jun 2011, Félix Enrique Llorente Pastora wrote:

> Another issue,
> If radiator process always sends the same source port when forwarding messages to the AAA server, I understand the only field to match queries and answers is packet-id. But this filed has 8 bits (only 256 values). What exactly would it happen if radiator has more that 256 pending request from AAA server? Does it creates any misbehaviour?

yes that is a very real possibility that effictively limits your request/time rate to 256 / time_for_backend_to_answer_a_request.
So if your backend is a far away you have to account for network delay which further reduces your requests/s.

See section 5.30.20 in the manul on UseExtendedIds on how to fix this for most modern radius servers that support the Proxy-State Attribute.


> Thanks and regards
> On 06/22/2011 12:04 PM, Félix Enrique Llorente Pastora wrote:
>> Hi,
>>      We are running radiator in two linux boxes with a software round
>> robin load balancer in front of it.
>>     When we do proxy from Access and Acct message looks like we are
>> loosing messages.
>>     Looking at the code looks like you have a hashmap wich store info
>> about where to response the proxy messages.
>>    Is there a way to have this table shared between the two radiator
>> instances (we have try with the mysql SessionDatabase but it doesn't work)
>> BR
>> Quique.
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Christian Kratzer                      CK Software GmbH
Email:   ck at cksoft.de                  Wildberger Weg 24/2
Phone:   +49 7032 893 997 - 0          D-71126 Gaeufelden
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Web:     http://www.cksoft.de/         Geschaeftsfuehrer: Christian Kratzer

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