[RADIATOR] SqlDb Patch 1.39 breaks on AuthSQLTOTP and AuthSQLHOTP

Steffen Weinreich steve at weinreich.org
Thu Oct 7 06:50:20 CDT 2010


Today I have downloaded the latest patchset to play with  AuthSQLTOTP
and AuthSQLHOTP and had some headaches because all SQL Query's in this
modules  fails with

Thu Oct  7 11:27:13 2010: DEBUG: Query is: 'select secret, counter_high,
counter_low, active, pin, digits, bad_logins, unix_timestamp(accessed)
from hotpkeys where username='mikem'':
Thu Oct  7 11:27:13 2010: DEBUG: Radius::AuthSQLHOTP IGNORE: Database
failure: mikem [mikem]

After doing some debugging on this, I saw that in SqlDb.pm the variable
$self->{SQLRetries} does not get initialized in the context of
AuthSQLTOTP and AuthSQLHOTP. According to the diffs between the Release
4.7 and the patchset this variable has been added between 1.37 and 1.39
of SqlDb.pm.

I think there are some calls to the SqlDb.pm initalizing missing in (at
least) AuthSQLTOTP and AuthSQLHOTP.


Stillstand ist nutzlos. Es gibt eines oder das andere,
entweder Fortschritt oder Nachlassen. -- Lord Robert Baden-Powell

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