(RADIATOR) AuthBy LSA Issues still unresolved

Cottrell, Charles P. cottrell at musc.edu
Tue Apr 8 14:06:30 CDT 2008

Greetings from South Carolina!  I am having a difficult time configuring radiator to authenticate against a Windows domain using the AuthBy LSA clause.  Several weeks ago Steve Caporossi posted about this same issue, and so far we've not been able to resolve this issue.  Help!

Attached are both the log file and the radius.cfg file.  The configuration is very generic since we want to keep it simple for the time being.

Some other info:

Radiator is running on Windows XP and is running from a startup batch file.

Odyssey v4.51 is the client on a Windows XP laptop.

Towards the end of the log file there is a section where the EAP MSCHAP-V2 authentication fails due to unknown username/bad password, and of course access is rejected.  However, I use this combo daily and it is correct.

Thanks in advance!


Charles P. Cottrell
Network Administrator
Medical University of South Carolina

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