(RADIATOR) radiator and snmp

Alex Sharaz A.Sharaz at hull.ac.uk
Fri Apr 27 02:31:02 CDT 2007


We're rolling out a wired 802.1x service in our halls of residence. I've
got a web app that lets me see who's online at any point in time. An
authenticated client obtains an ip address from an ip pool on our ISC
DHCP server.


It would be nice to also display the ip address assigned to a particular
session. I'm thinking along the lines of either nosing around the ARP
tables on the switch hosting the authenticated client from within
radiator when I receive an accounting start request or using the ISC
omshell command to query the DHCP server for any lease information
associated with the clients MAC address (which is obtainable from the
accounting record). I'm sort of thinking that by the time the accounting
start record appears the client will have been dropped into the
appropriate VLAN and will have performed a DHCP request.


Before I start doing this, I was wondering if anyone else has been down
this route and have some code they could share.




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