(RADIATOR) Problem with AuthLog SYSLOG - ERR: Error while doing AuthLog SYSLOG: syslog: invalid level/facility: radius at Radius/AuthLogSYSLOG.pm line 110

Terry Simons galimore at mac.com
Sun Oct 1 23:47:37 CDT 2006

Ok, so I tried adding a "foo.*" and that fails in the same way that  
"radius.*" fails, but I also added a local1.* (which didn't exist)  
and that one works...

Here are the entries in my syslog.conf for reference:

local1.*                                                /var/log/ 
radius.*                                                /var/log/ 
user.*                                                  /var/log/ 
foo.*                                                   /var/log/ 

I'm really not sure what's going on here...  I know that other  
programs use localX.* and user.*... I wonder if adding these  
facilities to /etc/syslog.conf simply isn't enough on Mac OS X...  
Perhaps they need to be added to the netinfo database as well...

I'll do a bit more digging and let you know if I find a solution.

- Terry

On Oct 1, 2006, at 9:56 PM, Terry Simons wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm seeing a problem with AuthLog SYSLOG that, according to the  
> manual, should be legal.
> I'm getting the following error:
> Sun Oct  1 21:51:13 2006: ERR: Error while doing AuthLog SYSLOG:  
> syslog: invalid level/facility: radius at Radius/AuthLogSYSLOG.pm  
> line 110
> My config looks like this:
> <AuthLog SYSLOG>
>         Identifier      AuthLog-SYSLOG
>         Facility radius
>         Priority info
>         LogHost
>         LogSuccess 1
>         LogFailure 1
>         SuccessFormat           %l,%u,%{Outer-EAP-Id},%N,%h,Success, 
> %{Called-St\
> ation-Id},%{Calling-Station-Id},%{Handler:Identifier}
>         FailureFormat           %l,%u,%{Outer-EAP-Id},%N,%h,Failure, 
> %{Called-St\
> ation-Id},%{Calling-Station-Id},%{Handler:Identifier}
> </AuthLog>
> And the manual indicates that the "Facility radius" line should be  
> legal:
> 5.70.1 Facility
> The name of the syslog facility that will be logged to. The default  
> is ‘user’.
> # Log to the syslog facility called ‘radius’
> Facility radius
> Maybe I'm doing something wrong?
> Thanks,
> - Terry
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