(RADIATOR) attributes from outer to inner authentication

M.A.G. van der Walle M.A.G.vanderWalle at uvt.nl
Tue Nov 21 09:20:37 CST 2006


I want to retrieve information from LDAP based on attributes wich are sent
in the outer authentication. It is about the 'Calling-Station-Id'. 
When I call LDAP in the inner authentication then it looks like I cannot use
those attributes anymore, only the attributes belonging to the inner
authentication. In a special situation I want to search for
"Calling-Station-Id" in an inner authentication. We do the outer
authentication with user 'anonymous'.  
Or, can I do the LDAP search for "Calling-Station-Id" in the outer
authentication and add reply items retrieved from LDAP to the replies from
the inner authentication?

met vriendelijke groet, with kind regards


_M.A.G. van der Walle
___Tilburg University
____IT services
______Network and Telephony
________m.a.g.vanderwalle at uvt.nl
_________Tel: +31 13 4662091
__________Fax: +31 13 4663189

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