(RADIATOR) Memory Leak problem

Olivier Macchioni olivier.macchioni at swisscom-eurospot.com
Fri Jun 23 06:00:29 CDT 2006

PREVOSTO, Laurent wrote:

>I've tracked the different arrays that belong to the AuthRADIUS class during the last hours (%pendingRequests, %sockets, %identifiers, %psIds) but the size is stable. Anyway i'm quite sure the size of the process grows in proportion with the number of packets treated.
>Now i'm gonna try without syslog and maybe downgrade to 3.13 (or upgrade to 3.15), i hope it will make a difference.
>Is there any tool to monitor memory allocation a perl process as you can find in C ?

Hi all, salut Laurent.

FYI, I've had problems with the <SYSLOG> clause as well - exactly the 
same, memory leaks on version 3.14.

We fixed it by removing the <SYSLOG> clause :

#        Trace           4
#        LogSock         udp
#        LogHost
#        Facility        local0
#       MaxMessageLength 1000

We have numerous other servers running the same version of RADIATOR, 
none of them shows the same behaviour.


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