(RADIATOR) silly question about running 2 instances of radiator

Alexander Sharaz a.sharaz at hull.ac.uk
Thu Nov 17 09:16:55 CST 2005



I'm trying to run 2 instances of radiator 3.13, one for authentication
and one of accounting.


All our kit uses 1812 and 1813 so in each config file I've got the
appropriate statement to listen on either 1812 or 1813 depending upon
what the instance is doing. 


The problem is that irrespective of whether I use qa radiusd cli
argument or a config file statement, both instances listen on an
accounting and auth port 


For the accounting instance I get acct on port 1813 and auth on port

For the auth instance I get auth on 1812 and acct on port 1813


It looks like whatever I do the def is to listen on the "old" radius
accounting and auth ports as well.



How can I configure radiator to just use the ports I spedcify?





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