(RADIATOR) Global var initialization / Calling functions from hook

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Wed Mar 23 10:37:19 CST 2005

Salut Laurent -

You will find a number of examples in "goodies/hooks.txt" in the 
Radiator 3.12 distribution.

There is an example StartupHook that stores values in the GlobalVar 
array using setVariable and a PostAuthHook that accesses the values 
using getVariable. For your own functions it is probably best to write 
your own module using one of the existing Radiator modules in the 
"Radius" directory as an example - "Radius/Util.pm" is a good place to 
start. See also section 17 in the Radiator 3.12 reference manual.

Radiator also uses many Perl modules from CPAN which you can also use 
as examples.

BTW - we are available to give training courses if you wish (in French 
or English).



On 23 Mar 2005, at 16:40, PREVOSTO, Laurent wrote:

> Hi,
> I would like to do the following things :
> 1. Have a StartupHook that reads a few init parameters from a file 
> then stores them in a global hash other hooks could have access to
> 2. Call custom perl functions from inside a hook
> What is the best way to do such things ?
> Where should I declare the variable, the functions ?
> For maintenance and upgradability reasons, I would like (if possible) 
> to avoid things like modifying Radius.pm or Util.pm….
> Regards
> Laurent

NB: I am travelling this week, so there may be delays in our 

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