(RADIATOR) Multiple session databases?

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Mon Jul 18 17:40:00 CDT 2005

Hello Christian -

As you have already discovered, Radiator only supports a single  
SessionDatabase per Realm or Handler.

You can however use an additional AuthBy SQL clause to do whatever  
you require.


<Realm nnnnn>

         AuthByPolicy ContinueAlways

         <AuthBy SQL>
                 # disable authentication
                 AccountingTable ....
                 AcctSQLStatement ......

         <AuthBy RADIUS>


hope that helps



On 19 Jul 2005, at 07:22, Christian Hammers wrote:

> Hello
> For one of my realms, I need two session databases, as I have to  
> send a
> login notifications to another server (which belongs to a customer who
> then does some kind of traffic shaping and accounting for these IPs).
> Radiator, though, seems to ignore the global SessionDatabase statement
> as soon as I enable a second one in the <Realm> clause even if the
> latter has a different identifier.
> Any idea how to solve the problem?
> (another <AuthBy RADIUS> had been considered to but it seemd hard to
> omit the Auth and just send the Acct data and in addition with SQL  
> it's
> easier to trigger an external Skript on each received notification  
> of a
> new login)
> bye,
> -christian-
> -- 
> Christian Hammers             WESTEND GmbH  |  Internet-Business- 
> Provider
> Technik                       CISCO Systems Partner - Authorized  
> Reseller
>                               Lütticher Straße 10      Tel  
> 0241/701333-11
> ch at westend.com                D-52064 Aachen              Fax  
> 0241/911879
> --
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Have you read the reference manual ("doc/ref.html")?
Have you searched the mailing list archive (www.open.com.au/archives/ 
Have you had a quick look on Google (www.google.com)?
Have you included a copy of your configuration file (no secrets),
together with a trace 4 debug showing what is happening?

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