(RADIATOR) Windows questions (Win32::Lsa & Perl versions)

Mariano Absatz radiator at lists.com.ar
Thu Jun 24 16:59:38 CDT 2004

Hi Hugh, Mike... long time no see :-)

I've been asked to install Radiator in a Windows server :-(((((

First thing I noticed is the recommendation to avoid ActivePerl 5.8.0, so I 
installed 5.6.1... however, does the current (5.8.4) ActivePerl also have 

Other thing... I have to authenticate using a windows PDC in another server 

As I misundertood <AuthBy ADSI> (I thought it would only authenticate users 
in an W2K or newer AD), I thought I ahd to use <AuthBy NT>, but the manual 
pointed me to <AuthBy LSA>...

So I tried to
ppm install --location=http://www.open.com.au/radiator/free-downloads \

But I can't install this package at all... it seems to include the man pages 
reasonably named Win32::Lsa.3pm... that is, reasonably unless you're in a 
windows machine which won't allow me to have a filename including a ':' 

The error says:

C:\>ppm install --location=http://www.open.com.au/radiator/free-downloads 
Installing package 'Win32-Lsa'...
Downloading http://www.open.com.au/radiator/free-downloads/MSWin32-x86-multi-
thread/Win32-Lsa.ppm.tar.gz ...
Could not open file 'C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\Win32-Lsa-
548\blib\man3\Win32::Lsa.3pm': Invalid argument at c:/Perl/site/lib/PPM.pm 
line 362
Could not extract 'blib/man3/Win32::Lsa.3pm' at c:/Perl/site/lib/PPM.pm line 

Failed to expand tarball: Could not extract 'blib/man3/Win32::Lsa.3pm' at 
c:/Perl/site/lib/PPM.pm line 363.

Is there a way to avoid this?

Shouldn't this be happening to everyone trying to install this?

Does the Win32::Lsa module make any sense in a non-windows machine?

I'm using a W2K pro machine (I don't have the precise release at hand), and 
I'm using Radiator 3.9 evaluation version with the latest (as of this 
morning) ActivePerl 5.6.1 build...


Mariano Absatz
El Baby
God is REAL, unless explicitly declared INTEGER.

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