(RADIATOR) MySQL connections

Olivier Macchioni olivier.macchioni at swisscom-eurospot.com
Mon Jul 19 09:41:39 CDT 2004

Hi Fred,

We've had a similar problem... It was fixed when we configured our 
monitoring system to monitor RADIATOR : that generates one query per 5 
minutes or so, which is enough to keep the MySQL session active.


Fred Leeflang wrote:
> Hi Hugh,
> Well the problem is the following, we've observed this before:
> - A connection gets set up, our Nokia firewall creates a session
> - over the weekend or so, when there's little activity, the Nokia
>  times out the idle session. Neither client nor server get proper
>  notification of that, in other words, both still think the TCP
>  connection exists.
> - Then on monday, activity picks up, but since it's not a *new*
>  connection the Nokia will not create a new session and discard
>  any packets sent on that connection.
> Either way, I've fixed the problem by adjusting MySQL's
> interactive_timeout value to be lower than the Nokia's,
> not a very good solution but then at least MySQL will
> properly disconnect so radiator will know the socket has
> disconnected.

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