(RADIATOR) Diameter

Phil Freed url-radiator at freed.com
Thu Jul 1 22:56:02 CDT 2004

At 10:12 PM 6/30/2004, you wrote:

>Yes Diameter is the "next-gen" protocol that is designed as the 
>replacement for Radius (although Radius will continue to be a "sub-set" of 
>Diameter). It has taken quite a long time for the RFC to be completed 
>(several years), however we are starting to see some interest now.
>We are actively working on a Diameter product and Mike has posted a few 
>times asking for interest and input.

I'd noticed -- but I'd not seen any responses.  (I've been off the list for 
quite a while, but I searched the archives.)

>Are you looking for a Diameter server product? If so what sort of 
>timeframe are you looking at for implementation?

I'd guess that we won't get to it for about it for 4-6 months.  Of course, 
that doesn't mean that I wouldn't like to have something to play with in 
the meantime.

In truth, we're not entirely sure how we'll be using Diameter.  But we're 
thinking about it, and we'll sure keep you posted.  And of course, we'd be 
delighted to help out the development effort in any way we can (read:  beta 
testing :-).

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