(RADIATOR) Radiator Installation on other machine than SQL

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Wed Sep 3 06:56:21 CDT 2003

Hello -

You will need to install the Oracle client libraries before you can 
build DBD-Oracle.

Also note that we have had many reports of problems with Perl 5.8 and 
we recommend Perl 5.6.1 for now.



On Wednesday, Sep 3, 2003, at 20:07 Australia/Melbourne, Datareactor 

> Dear all -
> i want to install Radiator on machine other than my oracle server .
> i have few problem
> i have installed all required perl modules and my perl 5.8.0
> but i am unable to install DBD::ORACLE its gives me following message
> ORACLE_HOME Enviroment must be set !!!
> there is no oracle on this machine .
> should i need Sql*net and other libraries on this machine
> Thanks in advance
> Regards
> ./DR

NB: have you included a copy of your configuration file (no secrets),
together with a trace 4 debug showing what is happening?

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