(RADIATOR) Radiator Installation on other machine than SQL

Bon sy bon at bunny.cs.qc.edu
Wed Sep 3 06:24:33 CDT 2003

	You will need to install at least Oracle client including
sqlnet. You separated radiator host machine needs to talk to Oracle, thus
in that host machine you will need to have Oracle client to establish the
connection. Once you install the Oracle client, you will then need to
define $ORACLE_HOME environment variable. radiator and Oracle client need
this to look up where to go to find the infor for establishing connection
to the Oracle server.

	Hope this helps!


On Wed, 3 Sep 2003, Datareactor wrote:

> Dear all -
> i want to install Radiator on machine other than my oracle server . 
> i have few problem 
> i have installed all required perl modules and my perl 5.8.0 
> but i am unable to install DBD::ORACLE its gives me following message
> ORACLE_HOME Enviroment must be set !!!
> there is no oracle on this machine . 
> should i need Sql*net and other libraries on this machine 
> Thanks in advance 
> Regards
> ./DR

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