(RADIATOR) Proposal for feature

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Sun Jan 5 21:04:44 CST 2003

Hello Pavel -

The usual way to deal with this is by using GlobalVar's to define what 
is shown below and then refering to the GlobalVar's in the AuthBy 

I'll copy this mail to Mike though as he may have other thoughts.



On Monday, Jan 6, 2003, at 00:43 Australia/Melbourne, Pavel A Crasotin 

> Hello,
> We are using Radiator with Oracle to store clients' data: login,
> password, quotes etc. I'm using Radiator to authenticate dialup from
> different access servers, POP3/IMAP mailboxes and so on.
> So my radius.cfg contains about 10 <AuthBy PLSQL> clauses. And every
> clause uses the same parameters:
>     DBSource    dbi:Oracle:host.domain.com
>     DBUsername  user
>     DBAuth      password
>     FailureBackoffTime  600
>     Timeout             60
>     ...
> Maybe it will be reasonable to store such parameters separately and
> create new clause for it.
> For example:
> <SqlDb TestDB>
>     DBSource    dbi:Oracle:host.domain.com
>     DBUsername  user
>     DBAuth      password
>     FailureBackoffTime  600
>     Timeout             60
>     ...
> </SqlDb>
> <AuthBy SQL>
>     DBParams    TestDB
>     AuthSelect ....
>     ...
> </AuthBy>
> What do you think?
> With respect,
> Pavel A Crasotin
> ____________________________________
> OJSC SeverTransCom
> 40/13 Sobinova, Yaroslavl, 150000, Russia
> Tel/Fax: +7 (0852) 47-71-70, 47-69-49
>          +7 (0852) 72-17-28, 72-17-38
> ===
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