(RADIATOR) Multi chassis Multilink PPP-Proposal for a new feature(add-on)

MStefan at enertel.nl MStefan at enertel.nl
Sun Jan 5 12:37:00 CST 2003

One of the possible scenarios in one modem environment is to have multiple
LNSs for one client (this is required either for more capacity or from
redundancy reasons).The challenge in this kind of environments is to
terminate the second session of one ISDN user on the same LNS where the
first session was terminated. Also to set the maximum number of sessions per
each LNS

Usually the first item is solved by means of a protocol implemented between
the NAS and the LNS (SGBP for ex) ,in an environment that is working without
a Policy Manager. The drawback here is that this protocol needs a lot of
resources from the NAS&LNS not to mention that is not elegant
The second item usually is taken care by a Policy Manager(including LNS
detection etc)

I can think of something like  inserting in the sessiondatabase also the LNS
IP or tunnel preference (when a user is accepted) and based on this the
second channel should get the same items in the reply(overwriting the
default reply) but probably there are more elegant ways to do this

Is anyone doing this or are there some plans to implement something like
this in the Radiator as an optional.
Thanks in advance

Kind Regards

Marius Stefan
Service Designer/Development Department
Enertel N.V
K.P van der Mandelelaan 130-144
3062 MB Rotterdam
Postbus 25226
3001 HE Rotterdam
Phone:+31(0)10 880 3798
Fax    :+31(0)10 880 3901
Mobile:+31(0)65 460 4973

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