(RADIATOR) Rodopi & Radiator

Tim Jung tjung at igateway.net
Thu Feb 6 19:50:30 CST 2003

Yes I can go in to "Enterprise Manager" for SQL 7.0 and pull up the stored
procedures and look at the procedure for both "Interface_VircomUsers" and
"Interface_VircomDetails". I see all the SQL commands, and what inputs are
needed for each of the procedures, etc.

I did try setting the "Timeout" to "Timeout 5" inside the <AuthBy RODOPI>
section and it didn't appear that it worked at all. It didn't timeout after
5 seconds and it didn't take my second request when I did another test
RADIUS request 10 seconds later.

I have included copies of both stored procedures below.

I am still stuck if anyone has any suggestions.

Tim Jung
System Admin
Internet Gateway
tjung at igateway.net

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike McCauley" <mikem at open.com.au>
To: "Tim Jung" <tjung at igateway.net>; <radiator at open.com.au>
Cc: <hugh at open.com.au>; <dbirkbeck at ikano.com>
Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2003 6:49 PM
Subject: Re: (RADIATOR) Rodopi & Radiator

> Hello Tim,
> Thanks for the summary.
> On Fri, 7 Feb 2003 11:08 am, Tim Jung wrote:
> > Ok I called a buddy of mine who is more of an Microsoft dude that I am.
> > is an MSCE and MSCD. We confirmed that SQL is getting the command but
> > appears that either MS-SQL is waiting for some additional command or
> > something before it starts the actual query, since it shows the query
> > lists of tasks but it never ends or starts or whatever.
> OK, so the acess and permissions issue seems to be solved?
> >
> > Also I found out that Radiator does one of the strangest/poorest things
> > have ever seen in working with databases. Radiator depends on the
> > database that the login/account happens to be set to use. So when I
> > getting unknown or missing stored procedure for the new "linux" account
> > the "sa" and all the other non-"rodopi" accounts it because those
> > didn't have their default database set to "AbacBill". When I set the
> > default database on the "linux" account to "AbacBill" it too then
> > to hang and cause Radiator to appear to lock up.
> >
> > Also all users who have any "public" access to the "AbacBill" database
> > permissions to execute the stored procedures of "Interface_VircomUsers"
> > "Interface_VircomDetails" which are the only 2 procedures that Radiator
> > uses in Rodopi. Also by default any owner of a database automatically
> > FULL access to the database the account owns. There would never be a
> > permissions/security issue with a database and that database owner.
> >
> > I have confirmed that it appears that the DBD::Sybase stuff and FreeTDS
> > stuff is working. It does send the login and password to the MS-SQL
> > correctly. It does send the request for the stored procedure to the
> > server, but nothing appears to be happening after that for whatever
> > I show that MS-SQL does lock the database "AbacBill" and shows it got
> > command, but nothing happens. It also appears that Radiator doesn't
> > time-out or detect a problem thus appears to hang forever.
> Radiator should detect such a hung server.
> The default timeout is 60 seconds, but you can change this with the
> parameter in your AuthBy RODOPI clause.
> >
> > If someone wants to look at either the Windows 2000 server or the Linux
> > let me know. I have terminal services setup on Windows 2000 and SSH on
> > Linux box.
> I think I would like to at least check the linux box, and use dbish to
> the behaviour of the SQL connection.
> I dont understand why the stored procedure would hang forever unless it
> trying to gain access to some resource that never became available. Are
> able to see the code of the Rodopi stored procedure?
> Cheers.
> >
> > So at this point I have no clue what to do to make this work. All I can
> > is that at this point it doesn't work for me basically.
> >
> > Tim Jung
> > System Admin
> > Internet Gateway
> > tjung at igateway.net

-------- Interface_VircomDetails --------------------

Create Procedure Interface_VircomDetails
 @AcctSessionId varchar(64) = NULL,
 @LogDateTime datetime = NULL,
 @UserName varchar(128) = NULL,
 @NasIPAddress varchar(16) = NULL,
 @NasPortID numeric(18, 0) = NULL,
 @ServiceType varchar(32) = NULL,
 @FramedProtocol varchar(16) = NULL,
 @FramedAddress varchar(16) = NULL,
 @CallingStationID varchar(32) = NULL,
 @NasIdentifier varchar(32) = NULL,
 @AcctStatusType varchar(16) = NULL,
 @AcctDelayTime numeric(18, 0) = NULL,
 @AcctInputOctets numeric(18, 0) = NULL,
 @AcctOutputOctets numeric(18, 0) = NULL,
 @AcctSessionTime numeric(18, 0) = NULL,
 @AcctInputPackets numeric(18, 0) = NULL,
 @AcctOutputPackets numeric(18, 0) = NULL,
 @AcctTerminateCause varchar (32) = NULL,
 @NasPortType varchar(16) = NULL,
 @ConnectInfo numeric(18, 0) = NULL,
 @ClientPortDNIS varchar(128) = NULL

 @History smallint,
 @TermCauseCode smallint

exec Radius_AcctTermCauseCode @AcctTerminateCause, @TermCauseCode output

select @History = UsageOnlineHistory
 from SetupData2

if @AcctStatusType = 'Stop'
 AND @AcctSessionID is NOT NULL
 AND @UserName is NOT NULL
 AND @LogDateTime is NOT NULL
 AND isnull(@AcctSessionTime, 0) > 0
 AND isnull(@AcctInputOctets, 0) + isnull(@AcctOutputOctets, 0) > 0

 if ( datediff(day, dateadd(second, - at AcctSessionTime, @LogDateTime),
getdate() ) <= @History )
  if NOT EXISTS ( select * from UsageData_OnlineHours
      where AcctSessionId = @AcctSessionID AND UserName = @UserName )
   insert into UsageData_OnlineHours
    ( AcctSessionId,
   values (@AcctSessionId,
     dateadd(second, - at AcctSessionTime, @LogDateTime),
     isnull(@ClientPortDNIS, ''),
     isnull(@AcctInputOctets, 0) + isnull(@AcctOutputOctets, 0),
     isnull(@AcctInputOctets, 0),
     isnull(@NasIPAddress, ''),
     isnull(@FramedAddress, ''),
     isnull(@CallingStationID, ''),
   return 0

return -1


Interface_VircomUsers ------------------------------

CREATE Procedure Interface_VircomUsers
 @UserName varchar(255) = NULL

set nocount on

 @ObjectID int,
 @PlanID int,
 @PlanInfoID int,
 @LoginID int,
 @TemplateLoginID int,
 @RadiusProfileInfoID int,
 @DefaultLoginID int,
 @Password varchar(255),
 @PasswordMask varchar(255),
 @SessionTimeout int -- max dialin time, secs

 @ret int

set @ObjectID = NULL
set @Password = NULL
set @TemplateLoginID = NULL

select @RadiusProfileInfoID = RadiusProfileInfoID from SetupData
select @DefaultLoginID = RadiusDefaultLoginID from SetupData2
select @PasswordMask = ltrim(rtrim(PasswordMask)) from SetupData5

select @ObjectID = O.ObjectID,
  @PlanID = O.PlanID,
  @PlanInfoID = P.PlanInfoID,
  @TemplateLoginID = I.TemplateLoginID
 from ObjectValues as V
 inner join Objects as O on O.ObjectID = V.ObjectID AND (O.DetailID = 1 OR
O.DetailID >= 1000) -- Dialin account OR Possible prepaid dialin ???
 inner join Plans as P on P.PlanID = O.PlanID
 inner join PlanInfo as I on I.PlanInfoId = P.PlanInfoID
 inner join Providers as PR on PR.ProviderID = P.ProviderID
where V.Value_LPSTR = @UserName AND V.ItemID = 1
 AND P.Closed = 0
 AND not exists (
  select *
  from PlansSuspendState
  where PlanID = P.PlanID
 AND ( (PR.UseIn & 0x01) = 1 )

if ( @ObjectID is not NULL ) begin

 if exists ( select *
      from PlanUsageInfo as PUI
      inner join UsageInfo as UI on UI.UsageInfoID = PUI.UsageInfoID
    where PUI.PlanInfoID = @PlanInfoID
     AND UI.UnitTypeID = 100
     AND UI.Type = 1 ) begin
 -- This is prepaid account
  select @SessionTimeout = sum(UnitsAmount) * 3600
   from PlansUsageInfoCredit as PUIC
   inner join UsageInfo UI on UI.UsageInfoID = PUIC.UsageInfoID
  where PUIC.PlanID = @PlanID
   AND UI.UnitTypeID = 100 -- Online Hours
   AND PUIC.EndTime is NULL

  if ( isnull(@SessionTimeout, 0) <= 0 ) begin
  -- The account's prepaid blocks are exhausted
   goto lblAuthFailed



end else begin
-- Try to find corresponding prepaid card

/* declare
  @PrepaidObjectID int

 select @PrepaidObjectID = PO.PrepaidObjectID
  from PrepaidObjects as PO
  inner join PrepaidObjectValues as UN on UN.PrepaidObjectID =
PO.PrepaidObjectID AND UN.ItemID = 1 -- UserName
 where UN.Value_LPSTR = @UserName
  AND State = 0 -- not activated pp card

 if ( @PrepaidObjectID is not NULL ) begin
 -- Activate the prepaid card

--  declare @ret int

  exec @ret = Maint_PP_Activate
     @PrepaidObjectID = @PrepaidObjectID,
     @NewObjectID = @ObjectID output

  if ( @@ERROR <> 0 or @ret <> 0 ) begin
  -- Prepaid card activation failed

   goto lblAuthFailed


  select @PlanID = PO.PlanID,
    @PlanInfoID = I.PlanInfoID,
    @TemplateLoginID = I.TemplateLoginID
   from PrepaidObjects as PO
   inner join PrepaidBlocks as PB on PO.PrepaidBlockID = PB.PrepaidBlockID
   inner join PlanInfo as I on PB.PlanInfoID = I.PlanInfoID
  where PO.PrepaidObjectID = @PrepaidObjectID

 end else begin
 -- User not found

  goto lblAuthFailed

 exec PrepaidCard_Find
    @nItemID =1, -- UserName
    @sValue = @UserName,
    @nObjectID = @ObjectID output

 if ( @ObjectID is NULL )
  goto lblAuthFailed

 select @PlanID = P.PlanID,
  @PlanInfoID = I.PlanInfoID,
  @TemplateLoginID = I.TemplateLoginID
 from Objects O
 inner join Plans as P on P.PlanID = O.PlanID
 inner join PlanInfo as I on P.PlanInfoID = I.PlanInfoID
 where O.ObjectID = @ObjectID


-- Get the password
select @Password = Value_LPSTR
 from ObjectValues
where ObjectID = @ObjectID AND ItemID = 4

-- Password Mask
if ( @PasswordMask is NOT NULL ) -- isnull(@PasswordMask, '') <> ''
 select @Password = @PasswordMask

-- Get the correct LoginID for the attribute's values
if not exists ( select * from RadiusTemplates where ObjectID = @ObjectID )
 select @LoginID = isnull(@TemplateLoginID, @DefaultLoginID)
 select @LoginID = TemplateLoginID from RadiusTemplates where ObjectID =

if exists (select * from ObjectValues where ObjectID = @ObjectID AND ItemID
= 24)
-- Prepaid card authentication

 exec @ret = PrepaidCard_Validate
    @nObjectID = @ObjectID
  -- Authentication failed
  goto lblAuthFailed

  @CreditMoney money--,
  -- at ExpTime smalldatetime

 -- Get remaining credit
 select @CreditMoney = Value_Decimal
  from ObjectValues
 where ObjectID = @ObjectID AND ItemID = 24

/* -- Get expiration time
 select @ExpTime = cast(Value_LPSTR as smalldatetime)
  from ObjectValues
 where ObjectID = @ObjectID AND ItemID = 67

 if ( @CreditMoney <= 0 or @ExpTime <= getdate() ) begin
 -- Account is either expired or exhausted

  exec Maint_PP_Close @ObjectID = @ObjectID

  -- Authentication failed
  goto lblAuthFailed


 exec Maint_PP_CalcCreditTime
    @CreditMoney = @CreditMoney,
    @PlanInfoID = @PlanInfoID,
    @CreditTime = @SessionTimeout output


-- Create authentication recordset

select convert(varchar(255), 'Password') as AttributeName,
  convert(varchar(255), @Password) as AttributeValue,
  1 as CheckItem,
  0 as OrderID
select convert(varchar(255), 'Session-Timeout') as AttributeName,
  convert(varchar(255), @SessionTimeout) as AttributeValue,
  0 as CheckItem,
  1 as OrderID
 where isnull(@SessionTimeout, 0) > 0
select distinct
  A.AttributeName as AttributeName,
  T.AttributeValue as AttributeValue,
  convert(int, isnull(A.CheckItem, 0)) as CheckItem,
  1 - isnull(A.CheckItem, 0) as OrderID
 from RadiusTemplateAttr as T
 inner join RadiusAttributes as A on T.AttributeID = A.AttributeID
where T.TemplateLoginID = @LoginID
 and ( (A.AttributeName <> 'Session-Timeout') or (isnull(@SessionTimeout,
0) <= 0) )
order by OrderID, AttributeName

return 0


select convert(varchar(255), '') as AttributeName,
  convert(varchar(255), '') as AttributeValue,
  0 as CheckItem,
  0 as OrderID
where 1 = 0

return -1


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