(RADIATOR) Bug: still problems with AuthLDAP2 and TLS

Karl Gaissmaier karl.gaissmaier at rz.uni-ulm.de
Mon Jul 8 02:00:14 CDT 2002

Hi Hugh or Mike,

short: The second time after starting a StartTLS connection against
an OpenLDAP Server the radiusd crashes, the first time after start
it works well.

The radiusd crashes with the following error message:

Can't call method "get_context_handle" without a package or object reference
at /radiator/perl/lib/site_perl/5.6.1/IO/Socket/SSL.pm line 602.

the config file loooks as following:

<Handler Client-Identifier=localhost, Called-Station-Id=DIALIN>
        <AuthBy LDAP2>
                Host                    asdf.xy.uni-ulm.de
                Port                    9999
                Version                 3
                SSLVerify               none
                AuthDN                  cn=foo,ou=bar,ou=baz,dc=uni-ulm,dc=de
                AuthPassword            mysecret
                BaseDN                  ou=foo,dc=uni-ulm,dc=de
                Scope                   one
                UsernameAttr            uid
                PasswordAttr            userpassword

the debug output for the first and second test with radpwtest looks

FIRST CALL, everything okay
*** Received from port 33376 ....
Code:       Access-Request
Identifier: 175
Authentic:  1234567890123456
        User-Name = "foo"
        Service-Type = Annex-Framed-Tunnel
        NAS-IP-Address =
        NAS-Port = 0
        NAS-Port-Type = Async
        Framed-IP-Address =
        User-Password = "<157><226>><193><198>2t<129><188>8<9><160><216>}x<153>"
        Called-Station-Id = "DIALIN"

Mon Jul  8 08:41:26 2002: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler 'Client-Identifie
r=localhost, Called-Station-Id=DIALIN'
Mon Jul  8 08:41:26 2002: DEBUG:  Deleting session for dialin,, 0
Mon Jul  8 08:41:26 2002: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthLDAP2:
Mon Jul  8 08:41:26 2002: INFO: Connecting to asdf.xy.uni-ulm.de, port 9999
Mon Jul  8 08:41:26 2002: DEBUG: Starting TLS
Mon Jul  8 08:41:26 2002: INFO: StartTLS negotiated with cipher mode DES-CBC3-SHA
Mon Jul  8 08:41:26 2002: INFO: Attempting to bind with cn=foo,ou=bar
,ou=baz,dc=uni-ulm,dc=de, mysecret (server asdf.xy.uni-ulm.de:9999)
Mon Jul  8 08:41:26 2002: DEBUG: LDAP got result for cn=foo,ou=bar,dc=uni-ulm,dc=de
Mon Jul  8 08:41:26 2002: DEBUG: LDAP got userPassword: {CRYPT}.........
Mon Jul  8 08:41:26 2002: DEBUG: Radius::AuthLDAP2 looks for match with dialin
Mon Jul  8 08:41:26 2002: DEBUG: Radius::AuthLDAP2 ACCEPT:
Mon Jul  8 08:41:26 2002: DEBUG: Access accepted for dialin
Mon Jul  8 08:41:26 2002: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Sending to port 33376 ....
Code:       Access-Accept
Identifier: 175
Authentic:  1234567890123456

*** Received from port 33377 ....
Code:       Access-Request
Identifier: 180
Authentic:  1234567890123456
        User-Name = "foo"
        Service-Type = Annex-Framed-Tunnel
        NAS-IP-Address =
        NAS-Port = 0
        NAS-Port-Type = Async
        Framed-IP-Address =
        User-Password = "<157><226>><193><198>2t<129><188>8<9><160><216>}x<153>"
        Called-Station-Id = "DIALIN"

Mon Jul  8 08:41:31 2002: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler 'Client-Identifie
r=localhost, Called-Station-Id=DIALIN'
Mon Jul  8 08:41:31 2002: DEBUG:  Deleting session for foo,, 0
Mon Jul  8 08:41:31 2002: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthLDAP2:
Mon Jul  8 08:41:31 2002: INFO: Connecting to asdf.xy.uni-ulm.de, port 9999
Mon Jul  8 08:41:31 2002: DEBUG: Starting TLS
<<<<<<<<<<<<< here the server crashes >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Used versions:

Radiator 3.1 with current patches
Perl 5.6.1
IO::Socket::SSL 0.80
perl-ldap 0.251 
SunOS 5.9

Karl Gaissmaier          Computing Center,University of Ulm,Germany
Email:karl.gaissmaier at rz.uni-ulm.de          Network Administration
Tel.: ++49 731 50-22499
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