(RADIATOR) Edit session timeouts via radius

Jaime Elizaga Jr. chaos at flash.net.ph
Thu Aug 22 04:30:40 CDT 2002

Blank error messageHi All,

Is it possible for Radiator to send a disconnect request to a NAS?  Also, we are currently implementing session timeouts on our users. Is is possible for Radiator so send something tto the NAS that would either decrease or increase the 'session timeout' counter on the NAS itself?

Thanks for your replies..

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Le Anh Tuan 
  To: radiator at open.com.au 
  Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2002 11:34 AM
  Subject: (RADIATOR) Blank error message

  Hash: SHA1

  Hi all,
  I configured a roaming system between our HQ and Branch office in seperate location using Radiator and <AuthBy Radius>. But I can not get a reason message each time a authentication reject occur, AuthBy Radius only returns message like 'INFO: Access rejected for user: Proxied' or 'INFO: Access rejected for user:'. Can you help me how to configure Radiator to get a reason message, I need it to put into my <AuthLog SQL> to help my administration work.
  Thank you very much.

  Le Anh Tuan
  R&D Department
  Netnam Corporation
  Institute of Information Technology
  Email: latuan at netnam.vn

  Version: PGP 7.0.4


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