(RADIATOR) Import script

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Sun Apr 7 18:24:05 CDT 2002

Hello Stephen -

On Mon, 8 Apr 2002 07:53, Stephen Malenshek wrote:
> I am looking for a script to import a standard UNIX password & shadow
> files into a database.  I have everything working correctly, but lack
> this small piece.

You can use the buildsql script included with Radiator.

Have a look at section 10 in the Radiator reference manual.

> Also, how do I add a perimeter to the configuration file to create a log
> of correct and incorrect login attempts.  Presently I am converting from
> Cistron, which creates a logfile such as the following:

You should use the AuthLog clause.

Sections 6.49 and 6.50 in the manual.



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