(RADIATOR) Strange Problem

Ujwol ujwol at mos.com.np
Thu Sep 6 04:24:05 CDT 2001

 Hi Hugh,
    Our minimal configuration file is written below.  It's hard to capture trace report because it happens all of a sudden. Well it occured even while I was writing earlier. During that time, I could see nothing wrong with in the server, except for the radiusd. It was taking almost 70% resources. Well it's obvious, cause lots of clients were trying to authenticate.
    Surprising thing is it was checking everthing except encrypted password.

As for the hardware/software details
We're running Radiator 2.18.1 in Red Hat 7.0 on Intel PIII 500MHz with Sybase ase 11.0.3. with perl version 5.6.0 and the database is in Win 2000 Intel PIII 500MHz with MS-Sql 7.0.


Trace 3
PidFile %L/radiusd.pid
AuthPort        1645
AcctPort        1646
LogDir  /var/log/Radiator
DbDir   /etc/raddb
LogFile         %L/logfile-%d
DictionaryFile %D/dictionary
SnmpgetProg     /usr/bin/snmpget

<Client pm.mos.com.np>
        Secret xxxxxxxx
        NasType Livingston

<AuthBy SQL>
        Identifier      auth_ktm
        DBSource        dbi:Sybase:radius
        DBUsername      rad
        DBAuth          ********
        AuthSelect      select ktm_UserPwd, ktm_SimConnection, ktm_EndDate, ktm_Time, ktm_HoursLeft from ktm_D
ialUp where ktm_UserName="%U" and ktm_Status=1
        AuthColumnDef 0, Encrypted-Password, check
        AuthColumnDef 1, Simultaneous-Use, check
        AuthColumnDef 2, Expiration, check
        AuthColumnDef 3, Time, check
        AuthColumnDef 4, Session-Timeout, reply
        AddToReply      Service-Type = Framed-User, \
                        Framed-Protocol = PPP, \
                        Framed-MTU = 1500, \
                        Framed-Compression = Van-Jacobson-TCP-IP, \
                        Idle-Timeout = 900
        FailureBackoffTime      10
        AcctSQLStatement update ktm_DialUp set ktm_HoursLeft=ktm_HoursLeft-0%{Acct-Session-Time} where ktm_Use

        AuthBy          auth_ktm
        AcctLogFileName /var/adm/radacct/detail
        SessionDatabase SessSQL

<SessionDatabase NULL>
        Identifier      SessNULL

<SessionDatabase SQL>
        Identifier      SessSQL
        DBSource        dbi:Sybase:radius
        DBUsername      rad
        DBAuth          *****
         FailureBackoffTime      60
CALLERID) values ('%u', '%N', 0%{NAS-Port}, '%{Acct-Session-Id}', %{Timestamp}, '%{Framed-IP-Address}', 0%{Cal
DeleteQuery delete from RADONLINE where NASIDENTIFIER='%N' and NASPORT=0%{NAS-Port}
ClearNasQuery delete from RADONLINE where NASIDENTIFIER='%N'
CountNasSessionsQuery select ACCTSESSIONID from RADONLINE where NASIDENTIFIER='%N'

        ROCommunity public

----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Hugh Irvine 
  To: Ujwol Manandhar ; radiator at open.com.au 
  Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2001 12:43 PM
  Subject: Re: (RADIATOR) Strange Problem

  Hello Ujwol -

  > Hi,
  >   We're having strange problem with the Radiator. Since two three weeks,
  > this problem is occuring. We are using Radiator with Auth Sql.
  >   Since few days, at times, Radiator behaves strangely. While
  > authentication, it works fine for different parameters as time left,
  > expiry checking, check block time, but the valid uses do not
  > authenticate.In log it says Bad encrypted Password even if the password is
  > correct. It's surprising cause the cpu load and everything is
  > normal.During such situation, Cpu load used by radiusd is obviously high.
  > But when I restart the Radiator, it's fine once again.
  >   I'm lost. Anyone has any idea about this?

  This is most curious - it is the second report of a problem like this today.

  In any case, I will need to see a copy of the configuration file (no secrets) 
  together with a trace 4 debug from Radiator showing the problem.

  I would also like to know what hardware/software platform you are running and 
  and what versions of Radiator, Perl and what SQL database you are using.

  BTW - the latest version of Radiator is 2.18.3.



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