(RADIATOR) Strange Problem

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Thu Sep 6 01:58:06 CDT 2001

Hello Ujwol -

> Hi,
>   We're having strange problem with the Radiator. Since two three weeks,
> this problem is occuring. We are using Radiator with Auth Sql.
>   Since few days, at times, Radiator behaves strangely. While
> authentication, it works fine for different parameters as time left,
> expiry checking, check block time, but the valid uses do not
> authenticate.In log it says Bad encrypted Password even if the password is
> correct. It's surprising cause the cpu load and everything is
> normal.During such situation, Cpu load used by radiusd is obviously high.
> But when I restart the Radiator, it's fine once again.
>   I'm lost. Anyone has any idea about this?

This is most curious - it is the second report of a problem like this today.

In any case, I will need to see a copy of the configuration file (no secrets) 
together with a trace 4 debug from Radiator showing the problem.

I would also like to know what hardware/software platform you are running and 
and what versions of Radiator, Perl and what SQL database you are using.

BTW - the latest version of Radiator is 2.18.3.



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