(RADIATOR) Radiator install issue (plus Radmin)
Mike McCauley
mikem at open.com.au
Mon Oct 15 23:05:03 CDT 2001
Hello Jay,
On Tue, 16 Oct 2001 12:47, Hugh Irvine wrote:
> Hello Jay -
> I have also copied this mail to Mike for his comments.
> On Monday 15 October 2001 23:09, Jay West wrote:
> > Greetings;
> >
> > Getting ready to upgrade from an old version of Radiator to the latest.
> > Set the new version up on a different set of servers so we can do a clean
> > cutover. Our environment is AuthbyRADMIN using one server for the Radmin
> > website, a second server for Radiator, and a third server for MySQL.
> Sounds like a good setup.
> > 1) Upon installing Radiator on a fresh FreeBSD 4.4 machine, we got a
> > message similar to the following...
> > Differing version of ./hostname.pl
> > you may want to....
> > rm /usr/libdata/perl/5.00503/hostname.pl
> > a make install UNIST=1 will unlink this for you
> >
> > What exactly does this mean, and what is the suggested course of action?
> Hmmmm - this is curious. It looks like your Perl already has a hostname.pl.
> Mike?
I think that you must have upgraded your perl too, and the new perl is seeing
some bits of the old perl. Recommend completely removing /usr/lib/perl5 (or
whatever and reinstalling perl and perl modules.
> > 2) The install program for Radmin appears to still assume that your
> > webserver machine is on the same machine as Radiator (not a great
> > assumption, IMHO). Exactly what pieces of Radmin need to be hand copied
> > over to the Radiator machine from the webserver, and what is the
> > procedure for this?
> Nothing needs to be copied over to the Radiator machine. There is already
> an AuthBy RADMIN module in the Radiator distribution. Note that both
> Radiator and Radmin will access the database on the MySQL machine.
> If I haven't understood your question, please let me know.
> regards
> Hugh
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