(RADIATOR) Radiator install issue (plus Radmin)

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Mon Oct 15 21:47:31 CDT 2001

Hello Jay -

I have also copied this mail to Mike for his comments.

On Monday 15 October 2001 23:09, Jay West wrote:
> Greetings;
> Getting ready to upgrade from an old version of Radiator to the latest. Set
> the new version up on a different set of servers so we can do a clean
> cutover. Our environment is AuthbyRADMIN using one server for the Radmin
> website, a second server for Radiator, and a third server for MySQL.

Sounds like a good setup.

> 1) Upon installing Radiator on a fresh FreeBSD 4.4 machine, we got a
> message similar to the following...
> Differing version of ./hostname.pl
> you may want to....
> rm /usr/libdata/perl/5.00503/hostname.pl
> a make install UNIST=1 will unlink this for you
> What exactly does this mean, and what is the suggested course of action?

Hmmmm - this is curious. It looks like your Perl already has a hostname.pl.


> 2) The install program for Radmin appears to still assume that your
> webserver machine is on the same machine as Radiator (not a great
> assumption, IMHO). Exactly what pieces of Radmin need to be hand copied
> over to the Radiator machine from the webserver, and what is the procedure
> for this?

Nothing needs to be copied over to the Radiator machine. There is already an 
AuthBy RADMIN module in the Radiator distribution. Note that both Radiator 
and Radmin will access the database on the MySQL machine.

If I haven't understood your question, please let me know.



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