(RADIATOR) Radiator and RAdmin WinNT Help

John Edward johned at terra.com.co
Wed Oct 3 17:32:50 CDT 2001


We have bought Radiator and Radmin, we installed Radiator 2.18.2 using 
an AuthNT.pm file from a old version 2.14.x because the AuthNT.pm 
version 2.18.2 never worked fine.

We have several questions about the functionality from Radiator y Radmin

1. The Radius is working but in any time the users are rejected from 
Radius Server and the user account is blocked from Windows NT. We did 
the following test.

We made a call from a remote station and the user was auth fine, a few 
hours later we try to connect again with same user and was not 
possible, Radius always rejected the connection and WinNT PDC blocked 
the user account, we restart the Radius Server and unblocked the user 
account We try again and we could connect.

What is the problem? Is the radius server hang up?

2. We bought Radmin, but we need to validate the users on WinNT PDC 
(three PDCs) and manage the sessions and the statistics with Radmin, I 
did all steps that you describe in the Radmin Reference Manual, finally 
I had to create the tables manually and the RADONLINE is the only one 
table that I can use with the RADWHO.PL perl script. If I try to access 
the Radmin WebPage this message: "SORRY. You do not have permissions to 
do that (V_USER)" always appears with any script.

In the SQL 7 EnterpriseManager I can see the database connection but 
the tables are empty.

The server has WinNT 4.0 SP6a. IIS OptionPack 4, MS-SQL 7.0 ActiveState 
Perl 5, dbi modules.

I will apreciate all help thay you can provide me

John Edward Kekhan
Polycom S.A. - Colombia
Network Manager

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