(RADIATOR) Installing Radiator on my Windows 2000 Server

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Mon May 21 19:17:20 CDT 2001

Hello Laura -

On Tuesday 22 May 2001 04:18, Laura Bearden wrote:
> I am trying to install radiator so that I can evaluate it before
> purchasing. I have been following the steps and have (to the best of my
> knowledge) installed Active Perl.  I then sucessfully ran 'perl
> makefile.pl' and ran ppm with install dbi and install oracle8.  Then when I
> try to run the test (perl test.pl) most if the items say not ok (1b, 1c,
> 1d, 1e, 2a, etc).  I have downloaded Digest MD5, but I am not sure that I
> have compiled it in the correct location.  Can someone help me.

With the latest versions of ActivePerl from ActiveState, MD5 is included in 
the distribution so you should not have to install any other MD5 module.

What version of Radiator are you installing? Note that the latest version of 
Radiator is 2.18.1. Could you also tell me what hardware/software platform 
you are using and what version of ActivePerl?

Could you also tell me where you are installing Perl, and Radiator, and how 
you are running the tests? Perhaps you could send me a screen dump?



Radiator: the most portable, flexible and configurable RADIUS server 
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