(RADIATOR) how to speed up "snmpget"?

Kitabjian, Dave dave at netcarrier.com
Mon Jun 4 09:57:06 CDT 2001

One problem that may inhibit our rollout of concurrency enforcement is the
slowness of "snmpget" to query the NASes. Chatting with others and checking
the archive, it appears that others have had this problem, and that OSC has
indicated they may use Net::SNMP instead of snmpget: 


So my questions are,

1) short of waiting for Net::SNMP, are there any suggestions about how to
speed up the snmpget query?

2) Hugh, does your affirmation of Net::SNMP mean that you expect it to solve
the performance problem with snmpget? (I have no idea how fast Net::SNMP is)

As always, thanks! 

NetCarrier, Software Engineering

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