(RADIATOR) how to speed up "snmpget"?

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Mon Jun 4 16:49:51 CDT 2001

Hello Dave -

I have copied this to Mike for his comments.



On Tuesday 05 June 2001 00:57, Kitabjian, Dave wrote:
> One problem that may inhibit our rollout of concurrency enforcement is the
> slowness of "snmpget" to query the NASes. Chatting with others and checking
> the archive, it appears that others have had this problem, and that OSC has
> indicated they may use Net::SNMP instead of snmpget:
> 	http://www.mail-archive.com/radiator@open.com.au/msg05815.html
> So my questions are,
> 1) short of waiting for Net::SNMP, are there any suggestions about how to
> speed up the snmpget query?
> 2) Hugh, does your affirmation of Net::SNMP mean that you expect it to
> solve the performance problem with snmpget? (I have no idea how fast
> Net::SNMP is)
> As always, thanks!
> Dave
> NetCarrier, Software Engineering
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