(RADIATOR) Trace levels?

Todd Dokey tdokey at inreach.com
Tue Aug 28 18:09:27 CDT 2001

This does not seem to be working.. although the other day I setup a
PasswordLogFileName in DEFAULT and that worked just fine.

I am trying to cut a log of the users on the one Client/Handler for
Is it because my trace levels are low?

<AuthLog FILE>
     Identifier Log1
     Filename %L/Log1logfile
     LogSuccess 1
     LogFailure 1
     FailureFormat %Y%m%d %H:%M:%S (%q) %C  Port: %{NAS-Port} %1  U: %U P:
%P Realm: %R
     SuccessFormat %Y%m%d %H:%M:%S (%q) %C  Port: %{NAS-Port} %1  U: %U P:
%P Realm: %R

Used in conjunction with:

<Client aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd>
  Secret My-Secret
  DupInterval 1
  Identifier A-Access

<Handler Client-Identifier=A-Access>
    <AuthBy FILE>
        Filename %D/A-AccessUsers
 AuthLog Log1
 PasswordLogFileName %L/Log1Logfile

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