[RADIATOR] Using a single instance Radiator with FarmSize >1 for EAP sessions ?
Ehlers, Y.W. (Ydo)
ydo.ehlers at ru.nl
Tue Jun 15 11:08:30 UTC 2021
after some time, you start using the Ref. to lookup those things that are new or new to you.
And although I have reread many pages concerning inner & outer tunnels, EPA settings, different ###Balance modes and multiple goodies-files, I did not reread the FarmSize entry.
It is a very straightforward setting and quite self-explanatory, so it didn't even occur to me, unfortunately.
As I was pointed out, the (very small) entry in the ref cautions that it cannot be used with EAP protocols.
This even amounts to 30% of the total entry, so it's hard to overlook, but still, I did....
So, back to the drawing board for me.
And a personal reminder to always check everything involved, how insignificant it may seem.....
Ydo Ehlers | IT Beheerder | ICT Service Center | Radboud Universiteit | Postbus 9102, 6500 HC Nijmegen | (024) 361 78 94 |www.ru.nl/isc
Dit bericht en elke eventuele bijlage is uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde(n) en kan vertrouwelijke informatie bevatten. Indien u niet de geadresseerde bent mag u dit bericht en de bijlage niet kopiëren of aan derden ter inzage geven of verspreiden. U wordt verzocht de afzender hiervan onmiddellijk op de hoogte te stellen en het bericht te vernietigen.
Van: Hugh Irvine <hugh at irvine.com.au>
Verzonden: dinsdag 15 juni 2021 00:36
Aan: Ehlers, Y.W. (Ydo)
CC: radiator at lists.open.com.au
Onderwerp: Re: [RADIATOR] Using a single instance Radiator with FarmSize >1 for EAP sessions ?
Hello Ydo -
Your assumption around Farmsize and different children receiving parts of the same EAP sequence is correct - this will definitely fail as you describe.
As you suspect, you need multiple Radiator instances on different ports behind a single front-end with EAPBALANCE.
> On 14 Jun 2021, at 19:40, Ehlers, Y.W. (Ydo) <ydo.ehlers at ru.nl> wrote:
> Hi,
> we have been running a multi-instance radiator setup for Eduroam for a long time, without many fundamental changes over the past years.
> As the hardware has been written off and both hardware and OS will soon be unsupported, it was time to build a new setup.
> So new hardware, new OS and the latest version of radiator.
> It seemed to me a golden opportunity to also review the Radiator configuration and try to simplify it wherever possible.
> But now I run into a problem that is somewhat explainable, but on the other hand, is not what I would expect, so I was wondering if anyone else has encountered the same or that maybe my presumptions are incorrect?
> The old setup on a single server was as follows:
> * First a front-end Radiator process with a FarmSize 4; this one rejects all wrong accounts and forwards specific realms to another radius server, our own realm to the backend instances and the rest to the national Eduroam h
> * There are 4 very basic backend instances with a handler for the inner and outer tunnels and a LDAP authentication backend
> * Then there are other instances for special purposes: seperate SSID for a more secure network used for examinations, one several more for specific testing purposes.
> The server itself is oversized for this setup and the load generated and barely broke a sweat on busy moments.
> With newer hardware, I would like to get rid of the many instances and configuration files for each.
> So I broke everything down to the seperate components and Lego'd it back together in a single instance with a farmsize of 4.
> Everything seemed in order: all regular handlers work perfectly, rejecting realm-less requests, proxying other realms, etcetera.
> However, EAP sessions for our own realm did not always work and sometimes broke up with the following error:
> INFO: Access rejected for ######@ru.nl: EAP Response type 21 in unexpected state.
> NAS did RADIUS server failover for an ongoing EAP authentication?
> This does happen most, but not all of the times and it completely disappears when using a farmsize of 0.
> So, it seems logical to me that EAP sessions get assigned to different child processes each time which then causes the EAP session to break.
> So, my first question: is that indeed what is happening?
> And the second one: are ESP sessions and FarmSize by definition incompatible and do I need to go back to the front-/back-end setup again, or is there something I'm missing?
> I've read almost every config in the goodies bag containing EAP and/or FarmSize, but to no avail; everything seams to point to [EAP/HASH] balancing sessions to a different instance or server.
> The most important settings of my testing environment:
> [...]
> FarmSize 4
> FarmChildHook file:"/etc/radiator/hooks/farmchild.pl"
> DupCache shared
> EAP_UseState
> [...]
> # Generic EAP-settings
> <AuthBy FILE>
> Identifier EAP4WIFI
> EAPTLS_CertificateType PEM
> EAPTLS_CAFile /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt
> EAPTLS_CertificateChainFile /etc/radiator/cert/#####.pem
> EAPTLS_PrivateKeyFile /etc/radiator/cert/#####.key
> EAPTLS_MaxFragmentSize 1300
> EAPTLS_TraceState
> EAPTLS_Protocols TLSv1.3 TLSv1.2
> EAPTLS_DHFile /etc/radiator/cert/ffdhe2048
> EAPTLS_ECDH_Curve prime256v1
> AutoMPPEKeys
> </AuthBy>
> [...]
> <Handler TunnelledByTTLS=1>
> RewriteUsername s/^([^@]+).*/$1/
> <AuthBy LDAP2>
> Version 3
> UsernameMatchesWithoutRealm
> HoldServerConnection
> Host ######
> Port 636
> UseSSL
> SSLCAFile /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt
> AuthDN cn=######,ou=######,o=######,c=######
> AuthPassword ######
> BaseDN o######,c######
> Scope subtree
> UsernameAttr uid
> SearchFilter (&(uid=%1))
> NoDefault
> </AuthBy>
> PostProcessingHook file:"/etc/radiator/hooks/eap_acct_username.pl"
> AuthLog tlslog
> </Handler>
> [...]
> <Handler Client-Identifier=####, Realm=/^####\.####$/i>
> PreAuthHook sub { ${$_[0]}->add_attr('Category', '#####');}
> AddToReply Tunnel-Type="VLAN"
> AddToReply Tunnel-Medium-Type="802"
> PostProcessingHook file:"/etc/radiator/hooks/wifi_vlan.pl"
> AuthLog authlog
> </Handler>
> [...]
> Everything that doesn't concern our realm is fine and it works with a single child, but not with more childs.
> It looks like the EAP/HASH Balance issue,, but I can't use that within this setup without having to build multiple instances again.
> So, what am I missing?
> Is it just impossible or have I overlooked some settings for this?
> With kind regards,
> ydo
> --
> Ydo Ehlers | IT Beheerder | ICT Service Center | Radboud Universiteit | Postbus 9102, 6500 HC Nijmegen | (024) 361 78 94 |http://www.ru.nl/isc
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