[RADIATOR] Server Status

Michael Hulko mihulko at uwo.ca
Tue Jan 7 21:03:52 UTC 2020

I have enabled ServerStatus at both the Global and Client levels, but when I run the following:

radpwtst -noacct -noauth -status -trace -message_authenticator

I get the following response:

sending Status-Request
Tue Jan  7 15:46:06 2020: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Sending to port 1812 ....
Code:       Status-Server
Identifier: 0
Authentic:  <224><138><247><210><241><165><224><232><13><159><138>%<170><220><134>L
Message-Authenticator = ?J<132>9<228>!<221><150><222>m(<31><211><13><229><160>

No reply

I am not sure what I should see.  What am I missing ?  I have tried using all variations of options including the server secret for the local client clause.

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