[RADIATOR] Bad EAP message length xx, EAP length yyy

André Da Cunha Araújo De Jesus acaj at reitoria.ulisboa.pt
Fri Feb 8 14:37:39 UTC 2019

I am setting up a new radiator service for Eduroam. It is between a Cisco wireless controller and an Active Directory.
When testing with various internal smartphones, everything seems to work well (I just feel that there are many too many messages, but I don't understand the protocol, might be normal).
The problem I get, is when I put the radiator in production, I do get a lot of errors between some successes. From devices that I have no access (eduroam).
Googling around unfortunately gave no answers for this problem.
Below is one example of an error:

"f98f5e50 Thu Feb  7 18:30:40 2019: DEBUG: Packet dump:
f98f5e50 *** Received from x.x.x.x port x ....
f98f5e50 Code:       Access-Request
f98f5e50 Identifier: 146
f98f5e50 Authentic:  <12><31><127><145>56<17><220><135><141><137><30><188>;<212><255>
f98f5e50 Attributes:
f98f5e50              User-Name = "aaa at xxx.xx"
f98f5e50              Chargeable-User-Identity = <0>
f98f5e50              Location-Capable = CIVIC_LOCATION
f98f5e50              Calling-Station-Id = "b0-52-16-xx-xx-xx"
f98f5e50              Called-Station-Id = "a4-6c-2a-xx-xx-xx:eduroam"
f98f5e50              NAS-Port = 13
f98f5e50              cisco-avpair = "audit-session-id=0a01050b00d5de9e5c5c790a"
f98f5e50              Acct-Session-Id = "5c5c790a/b0:52:16:0a:27:f7/24493431"
f98f5e50              cisco-avpair = "mDNS=true"
f98f5e50              NAS-IP-Address =
f98f5e50              NAS-Identifier = "xxx"
f98f5e50              Airespace-WLAN-Id = 1
f98f5e50              Service-Type = Framed-User
f98f5e50              Framed-MTU = 1300
f98f5e50              NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-IEEE-802-11
f98f5e50              Tunnel-Type = 0:VLAN
f98f5e50              Tunnel-Medium-Type = 0:802
f98f5e50              Tunnel-Private-Group-ID = xxx
f98f5e50              EAP-Message = <1><1><0><8><227><255><252>(aaa at xxx.xx
f98f5e50              Message-Authenticator = <236><138><252><182><210>6<181>Xv<132><227><175><133>|<18><5>

f98f5e50 Thu Feb  7 18:30:40 2019: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler 'Realm = "/^xxx.xx$/i"', Identifier ''
f98f5e50 Thu Feb  7 18:30:40 2019: DEBUG: SessINTERNAL: Deleting session for aaa at xxx.xx, x.x.x.x, 13
f98f5e50 Thu Feb  7 18:30:40 2019: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthFILE: outerEAPdetunneling
f98f5e50 Thu Feb  7 18:30:40 2019: INFO: Bad EAP message length 26, EAP length 8
f98f5e50 Thu Feb  7 18:30:40 2019: DEBUG: EAP result: 1, Bad EAP message length 26, EAP length 8
f98f5e50 Thu Feb  7 18:30:40 2019: DEBUG: AuthBy FILE result: REJECT, Bad EAP message length 26, EAP length 8
f98f5e50 Thu Feb  7 18:30:40 2019: INFO: Access rejected for aaa at xxx.xx: Bad EAP message length 26, EAP length 8
f98f5e50 Thu Feb  7 18:30:40 2019: DEBUG: Packet dump:
f98f5e50 *** Sending to port 32777 ....
f98f5e50 Code:       Access-Reject
f98f5e50 Identifier: 146
f98f5e50 Authentic:  <188><20><241>$P<1>`<220><247><20><9>g<27><165><145>o
f98f5e50 Attributes:
f98f5e50              EAP-Message = <4><1><0><4>
f98f5e50              Message-Authenticator = l/<14>g}<136>J<149>$<197><235>#<251>%<161><142>
f98f5e50              Reply-Message = "Bad EAP message length 26, EAP length 8""

The sections of the configuration that seems relevant are:

<AuthBy LDAP2>
                Identifier ADxxxCatalog2
                Debug 255
                Host z.z.z.z z.z.z.z
                FailureBackoffTime 10
                Port 3268
                AuthDN CN=xxx
                AuthPassword xxx
                BaseDN xxx
                UsernameAttr userPrincipalName
                AuthAttrDef xx,yy,request
                Version 3

<AuthBy GROUP>
                Identifier ADxxxCatalog
                AuthByPolicy ContinueWhileAccept
                <AuthBy NTLM>
                               UsernameFormat %U
                               Domain xxx.xx
                               EAPType MSCHAP-V2
                               AddToReply User-Name = %u
                <AuthBy GROUP>
                               AuthByPolicy ContinueWhileAccept
                               RewriteUsername s/^([^@]+)\@yyy\.yy/$1\@xxx\.xx/
                               AuthBy ADcampusCatalog2

<AuthBy FILE>
                Identifier outerEAPdetunneling
                EAPType PEAP, TTLS, FAST
                EAPAnonymous %0
                EAPTLS_CAFile /etc/radiator/certs/xxx.ca-bundle
                EAPTLS_CertificateFile /etc/radiator/certs/xxx.crt
                EAPTLS_CertificateType PEM
                EAPTLS_PrivateKeyFile /etc/radiator/certs/xxx.xx.key
                EAPTLS_PEAPVersion 0
                EAPTLS_MaxFragmentSize 1000

<Handler TunnelledByPEAP=1, Realm = "/^xxx.xx$/i">
                StripFromReply Tunnel-Type, Tunnel-Medium-Type, Tunnel-Private-Group-ID, Filter-Id, cisco-avpair
                AuthBy ADcampusCatalog
                AuthLog Statistics
                AddToReply Tunnel-Type=VLAN, Tunnel-Medium-Type=802
                PostProcessingHook file:"/etc/radiator/conf.d/vlanscript.pl"
<Handler TunnelledByTTLS=1, Realm = "/^xxx.xx$/i">
                StripFromReply Tunnel-Type, Tunnel-Medium-Type, Tunnel-Private-Group-ID, Filter-Id, cisco-avpair
                AuthBy ADcampusCatalog
                AuthLog Statistics
                AddToReply Tunnel-Type=VLAN, Tunnel-Medium-Type=802
                PostProcessingHook file:"/etc/radiator/conf.d/vlanscript.pl"
<Handler Realm = "/^xxx.xx$/i">
                AuthBy outerEAPdetunneling
                AuthLog Statistics

Best regards
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