[RADIATOR] DefaultRealm definition

Heikki Vatiainen hvn at open.com.au
Fri Dec 8 20:39:38 UTC 2017

On 08.12.2017 14:14, Robert Blayzor wrote:

> If you have a DefaultRealm under a client definition, at what point
> is the “Realm” attribute populated?

Please see the discussion from November:

To summarise: Realm is not an attribute. It is constructed from username 
when it's needed for example, in Handler Realm=...

> I have a prehandler hook that looks for realmed vs non-realmed users,
> and it never appears that get_attr yields Realm populated?

Yes, that's correct. Also, if you were to add Realm attribute with 
add_attr, it would still not be used with Handler Realm=... Most likely 
it would make things just more complex.

> Under a client definition, if a user does not log in with a @realm,
> does the defaultRealm definition re-write the username to include
> it?

Yes, that's what happens. Username is re-written just before 
PreHandlerHook is called for client.

> I have a NAS where all users do not log in with a @realm, and trying
> to determine the best way to get that realm in Prehandler hook. It
> looks like maybe looking at the username for @?  The attribute
> “Realm” does not seem to get populated with what’s in defaultrealm.
PreHandlerHook should see the usernames as they were received, or if 
there was no @realm, then with the @realm appended. But there will be no 
Realm attribute.


Heikki Vatiainen <hvn at open.com.au>

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