[RADIATOR] Macros in dictionary

Arya, Manish Kumar m.arya at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 8 00:31:34 CST 2016

    I have received dictionary for OMS NMS and is has a macro definition. When I add it in dictionary file and reload radius I get error on macro line number.
MACRO    OMS-Attr(t,s)    26    [vid=1751 type1=%t% len1=+2 data=%s%]

ATTRIBUTE    OMS-User-Role-Profile      OMS-Attr(1, string)  R

ATTRIBUTE    OMS-User-Domain            OMS-Attr(2, integer) R
VALUE    OMS-User-Domain   Global        14
VALUE    OMS-User-Domain   Restricted    15
Error log:
Tue Mar  8 05:50:34 2016: DEBUG: Reading dictionary file '/etc/radiator/db/dictionary'
Tue Mar  8 05:50:38 2016: ERR: Bad format in dictionary '/etc/radiator/db/dictionary' at line 5270: MACRO                                                                  OMS-Attr(t,s)    26    [vid=1751 type1=%t% len1=+2 data=%s%]

How can I make it work with radiator ?


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