[RADIATOR] OTP Authentication failed logging

Heikki Vatiainen hvn at open.com.au
Fri Jun 24 06:44:02 CDT 2016

On 24.06.2016 13:50, Hartmaier Alexander wrote:

> Will you change the log message?

Yes. I forgot to say that.

>> I'd say the best option is to log any failure reason in the OTP's
>> VerifyHook if any special logs are needed.
> We don't have a custom VerifyHook but use what comes with Radiator.

The default check is simply a test if the submitted password equals the 
expected password, so there's not much to log. I was thinking about 
possible cases where the checks are different and additional logging 
would be useful.


Heikki Vatiainen
hvn at open.com.au

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