[RADIATOR] OTP Authentication failed logging

Heikki Vatiainen hvn at open.com.au
Thu Jun 23 10:04:16 CDT 2016

On 16.06.2016 17:55, Hartmaier Alexander wrote:

> I've encountered some 'OTP Authentication failed: ()' logs and digged
> deeper where there coming from.

> Line 104 returns if $result is undefined, line 107 if it's a true value
> so the else tree is only hit if $reason is false in which case its value
> is logged.
> Is that's how you intended it?

We took a look at this, and while the checks themselves look good, the 
log message is misleading. It looks like it is supposed to log an error 
or reason message. There might have been an error or reason message 
available earlier.

I'd say the best option is to log any failure reason in the OTP's 
VerifyHook if any special logs are needed.

Thanks for notifying us about this!

Heikki Vatiainen
hvn at open.com.au

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