[RADIATOR] How to combine HASHBALANCE with AuthBy RadSec?

Jan Tomasek jan at tomasek.cz
Fri Sep 11 04:08:34 CDT 2015


On 09/08/2015 11:12 AM, Tuure Vartiainen wrote:
>> But I need to forward auth requests to RadSec not RADIUS hosts. Is it
>> possible somehow?
> Unfortunately, HASHBALANCE only works with AuthBy RADIUS, as it inherits from
> AuthBy RADIUS and just overrides the chooseHost() function.
> Same functionality could be achieved by running three instances of Radiator
> on a same host, where first uses HASHBALANCE to proxy UDP RADIUS requests to
> other instances which proxy requests with RadSec:
>                              --2nd Radiator--RadSec-->
>                             |
> 1st Radiator--HASHBALANCE--
>                             |
>                              --3rd Radiator--RadSec-->

this disables Server-Status based detection of failed peer - this is 
quite usefull.

> Or by creating a new AuthHASHBALANCERADSEC.pm based on AuthHASHBALANCE.pm, but
> which inherits from AuthRADSEC :)

I've spend some time with source code. AuthHASHBALANCE itself is prety 
easy, but AuthRADSEC inherits from AuthGeneric not from AuthRADIUS. And 
AuthRADIUS contains a lot of Gossip related code. Which is another 
feature I'm interested in.

> Currently Gossip notifications only work with AuthBy RADIUS.
> We’ll add a Gossip support for RadSec later, probably to 4.16 patches, and look
> into implementing equivalent balancing support for RadSec as what there is currently
> for RADIUS:

Do you have time plan for this?

I'm interested in early access to that code, I can offer my time for 
betatesting. I know Perl so I can also debug problems if necessary.

Jan Tomasek aka Semik

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