[RADIATOR] Log file encoding

Hartmaier Alexander alexander.hartmaier at t-systems.at
Thu Jun 18 04:56:09 CDT 2015

@Heikki: please read Tom Christensens great article about encoding:

Short summary: each input value has to be decoded, each output encoded,
everything else is useless!

BR Alex

On 2015-06-18 10:36, Heikki Vatiainen wrote:
> On 18.6.2015 10.46, Tim Jones wrote:
>> Essentially what I have been specced to build, but it's a
>> batch-processing after-the-fact, so we only have the log files to go on.
>> I will suggest the idea of logging to something else in addition to
>> files (Syslog\SQL) but I have been rebuffed in the past on this same
>> point.
> What if you use something like Logstash? It can do similar to 'tail -f'
> to read the log file and forward the new entries as they are written
> into the log file.
>> Are there plans to add support for this? Looking into it it seems that,
>> for Perl, simply having a call to open(FILE, ">>$filename") replaced
>> with open(FILE, '>>:encoding(UTF-8)', $filename) should do the trick.
>> Since it looks as if all log file writing is done via
>> Radius::Util::append, would it be a hard feature to add?
> There are no plans yet, but I'll make a note about this.
> Meanwhile, check the 4.14 patches and goodies/logformat.cfg. The
> LogFormatHook is already present in 4.14 and the patches now have more
> examples about how to use it. You might be able to use the hooks to make
> sure the logs are formatted as required.
> Thanks,
> Heikki

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