[RADIATOR] AuthBy FILE - Dont check password

Hartmaier Alexander alexander.hartmaier at t-systems.at
Wed Jan 21 06:02:46 CST 2015

You don't even need that if the file doesn't contain a password check item.

On 2015-01-21 12:02, Peter Havekes wrote:


This optional parameter causes AuthBy not to check the password. This
means that any
password entered by the user will be accepted.
This parameter is useful in conjunction with other authentication
methods where the
password check is done elsewhere.

On 20-01-15 14:17, Jim Tyrrell wrote:

Is it possible to have the AuthBy FILE check a file for the username but
not check the password?

I ideally want the AuthBy to just check for a username in a file of only
usernames, and if it matches generate the Reply, if it fails to match
the username then it will fall back to a 2nd AuthBy (via AuthByPolicy
ContinueWhileReject) that will respond with a different reply.

The idea being that if a user is in a username list the session will be
tunneled to a certain endpoint, and if not the user will be tunneled to
different IP.



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