[RADIATOR] Trying to understand "EAP Response type 25, but no expected type known"

Michael Hulko mihulko at uwo.ca
Tue Jan 20 14:12:26 CST 2015

I have two new servers that I am trying to put into production for our eduroam users.  Both servers are identical.  Configs are identical (with the minor changes required to make them indentifiable to the outside world).  However, that is where it appears to stop.

Authentications to one server fails, while authentications to the other server succeeds.  I am stumped.  It appears from the trace that the client request makes it to the first Handler but never makes it to the TunnlledByPeap=1 handler to finish the authentication.

Attached is a trace 4 log capture and the current config.

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Any insight is appreciated.

Michael Hulko
Network Analyst

Western University Canada
Network Operations Centre
Information Technology Services
1393 Western Road, SSB 3300CC
London, Ontario  N6G 1G9

tel: 519-661-2111 x81390
e-mail: mihulko at uwo.ca 

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