ONRUBIA AVILES Carlos (SPC/CSP) carlos.onrubia.aviles at proximus.com
Wed Feb 4 03:49:27 CST 2015

Dear all,

I have the following problem:

I can log authentification with the configuration here below,  it works correctly.
But if I use event_log identifier to log a COA (and not a normal  Access-Request with Accept or Reject), nothing happens.

Can you indicate me how to log a COA with the answer (ACK or NACK)

Thanks in advance,

<Handler User-Name = ABCD
    AuthBy              toto
    AuthLog             event_log

<AuthLog FILE>
    Identifier          event_log
    Filename            %L/event_auth.log
    SuccessFormat       %v %d %H:%M:%S,,%s,,%n,,HIDDEN,,%a,,PASS,,%N,,%c,,%{Type},,%{Connect-Info},,%{Calling-Station-Id},,%{GlobalVar:servername}%{GlobalVar:suffixfon},,%{GlobalVar:authPort},,
    FailureFormat       %v %d %H:%M:%S,,%s,,%n,,HIDDEN,,none,,FAIL,,%N,,%c,,%{Type},,%{Connect-Info},,%{Calling-Station-Id},,%{GlobalVar:servername}%{GlobalVar:suffixfon},,%{GlobalVar:authPort},,%1
    LogSuccess          1
   LogFailure          1


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