[RADIATOR] Some information lost during Diameter to Radius conversion

Arthur kasjas at hot.ee
Sun Mar 30 03:47:36 CDT 2014

> On 03/28/2014 11:50 AM, Arthur wrote:
>> dia_to_radius_hook.pl:
>> sub
>> {
>>      my $d=${$_[0]};
>>      my $p=${$_[1]};
>>      my $subscription = $p->get_attr('Subscription-Id-Data');
>>      $subscription =~ s/^sip://g;
>>      $p->add_attr('User-Name', $subscription);
>>      &main::log($main::LOG_DEBUG,"*****AKO: User-Name: $subscription");
>> }
>> But in the log file I have an empty 'User-Name'. Where I have did mistake?
> I think you would need to do something like this:
> my $si = $d->get(873, 10415); # Get 3GPP-Service-Information
> my $sub_id = $si->get(443, 0); # This is IANA attr, vendor is 0
> my $subscription = $sub_id->get(444, 0); # The Subscription-Id-Data
It seems that some tuning needed. I've the following hook code:
     my $d=${$_[0]};
     my $r=${$_[1]};
     my $si = $d->get(873, 10415);
     my $sub_id = $si->get(443, 0);
     my $subscription = $sub_id->get(444, 0);
     $subscription =~ s/^sip://g;
     $r->add_attr('User-Name', $subscription);
     &main::log($main::LOG_DEBUG,"*****AKO: $subscription");

It produced an error:
ERR: Error in PostDiaToRadiusConversionHook():
Can't call method "get" without a package or object reference at (eval 
44) line 6.

Any glue, please.


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