[RADIATOR] logging (radiator and authlog) and accounting to ElasticSearch

Hartmaier Alexander alexander.hartmaier at t-systems.at
Thu Mar 27 10:22:37 CDT 2014

On 2013-09-20 12:15, Hartmaier Alexander wrote:
> On 2013-09-20 11:44, Heikki Vatiainen wrote:
>> On 09/20/2013 11:35 AM, Alexander Hartmaier wrote:
>>> @Radiator guys: are you interessted in supporting Message::Passing,
>>> Log::Log4perl or Log::Any?
>>> They support a lot of outputs which would be a great feature addition!
>> Sounds interesting. So this would be for Accounting, at least first, or
>> do you see need for other passing other information through these too?
> I'd prefer having this support for all types of logs.
> Maybe extending <Log> to handle authentication, accounting and general
> radiator logs would make sense.
> AuthLog would become
> <Log MessagePassing> (or all other currently available like <Log FILE>)
>     Auth 1
>     Acct 0
>     Other 0
>     ...
> </Log>
> If you don't want to change the config DSL so much the Log and AuthLog
> stanzas would both need to support each output.
> Haven't looked at the code yet but I guess there is much too share
> between them and AuthLog could internally become just an alias for
> <Log>Auth 1, Acct 0, Other 0.
> Accounting logging is currently handled entirely different as there is
> no <AcctLog>.
Did you have time to work on this feature?
I've started tring to get all Radiator logs into Elasticsearch via
RabbitMQ and found out that <Log FILE> also closes the pipe in case of
Filename |/etc/radiator/log_to_rabbitmq.pl which is a performance problem.

The comment in Radius::Util::append says:
# Current implementation opens, writes and closes
# Future implementations might hold the file open, and reopen on
# signal, or perhaps pipe to a daemon

I need a feature that keeps the spawned (forked?) process open and pipe
to it.
I'd also need to escape the log message so my JSON doesn't break in case
the message contains one or more ".

LogFormat { "timestamp":"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", "priority":"%1",
"message":"%2" }

Thanks, Alex

>> As always, any additional ideas and comments from the list members would
>> be appreciated too.
> Yes, please, speak up everybody!
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