[RADIATOR] ipv6::: bind results in no match on IPv4 client

Mueller, Jason C jason-mueller at uiowa.edu
Wed Jun 26 17:56:00 CDT 2013


I am using Radiator 4.11.

I will show relevant portions of my config and then comment on them (IP addresses changed and Secret ***'d out to protect the guilty):
BindAddress ipv6:::
AuthPort	1812
AcctPort	1813
# ipv6 client
<Client ipv6:2620:0:e50:100::100>
	Secret	***
	DupInterval 0
	AddToReply Session-Timeout=0,cisco-avpair=shell:roles="network-admin"
# ipv4 client
	Secret	***
	DupInterval 0
	AddToReply Session-Timeout=0,Filter-Id=15
# ipv4 subnet
	Secret	***
	DupInterval 0
	AddToReply Session-Timeout=0,Filter-Id=10

When I use the "BindAddress ipv6:::" configuration parameter, neither of the IPv4 client definitions work. Radiator will give the following log message:
Wed Jun 26 16:56:38 2013: NOTICE: Request from unknown client ignored

In the above configuration, the IPv6 client works just fine.

If I add a "<Client DEFAULT>" clause when I still have the "BindAddress ipv6:::" parameter configured, the IPv4 clients that I want to match more specifically will match on the DEFAULT client stanza. I cannot have a DEFAULT client stanza in my config.

Additionally, if I remove the "BindAddress ipv6:::" parameter from the config (or comment it out), then the IPv4 clients work as expected.

It appears that when I enable IPv6 like above, that I lose my ability to match on more specific IPv4 client clauses, and I have to use the DEFAULT client stanza, which is not an option for me.

Thoughts? Any help is appreciated.


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