[RADIATOR] Rewrite userna functionality for use in ldap_aps authby

Alex Sharaz A.Sharaz at hull.ac.uk
Mon Apr 30 11:02:42 CDT 2012

Thanks Alan,
I'll have a nose around and see what I can do

sip:924110981 at sip.callwithus.com

On 30 Apr 2012, at 16:53, "alan buxey" <A.L.M.Buxey at lboro.ac.uk> wrote:

> Hi,
>>   However, what I actually want to do is send a usename with a realm of
>>   sharaz.info and have the realm stripped out of the user name. When I auth
>>   to radiator on  a windoze platform  I can use
> RewriteUsername can be called in several places, globally, in the client section
> or in the handler.
> I cant recall if AuthBy_LDAP2 (of which LDAP_APS is a subset of) can do RewriteUsername
> so instead you can have a call to rewrite the username in the client/server section
> instead.
> ...or call a preauthhook in the handler ?
> alan
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